Friday 31 December 2010

And the new year beckons...

And in some 1 hour and 4 minutes, a new decade will come forth.  Wow.  10 years gone just like that.  What have I done in that amount of time??  From 7 to 17 years of age.  Really.  What have I truly accomplished??  It's so befitting to hear "Hanging By A Moment" on my Windows Media Player now...  Very befitting.

When I think about it, how much have I changed, both physically and mentally.  Gosh, I'm soooo gonna dig through my photo album after this.

And looking back, I can say that I enjoyed my progress from kid to teenager, although I didn't fully utilize all the resources I had.  And for the next decade, new friends, college life, and the reluctant journey into adulthood.  It's gonna be rough, but it's just the way I like it.

Not gonna witness some fireworks tonight, since most of my family is down with illnesses.  Oh well, I don't need them to cheer me up.

I leave the decade filled with experiences good and bad,
with some mended hearts and some broken ones still being pieced back,
with laughter, tears, triumph, bruises, joy, scars, and all the ambiguous wonders I have left out.

Hopefully, I may just find some new life experiences to share with everyone, and maybe just someone.

I will stride down memory lane 2000-2010 with pride and my head held high.  Sure I'll look back in the bitter and tearful memories occasionally, but that's how I enjoy my reminiscence.  As long as we don't dwell in the past, I don't see what's the wrong at glancing back.

Damn.  I really got a write a song about this, don't I?  Then again, I'm SUPPOSED to record at least one song and post it before life at Sunway University College starts.  Wish me luck then.

To all, I bade a Happy New Year in advance and farewell for the last post in the year 2010.
Time for some Counter Strike: Source.

Goodbye - Paperplane Pursuit

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