Saturday 14 July 2012


I'm one individual who manages my stress levels by bottling up all that anger, and either slowly releasing it gradually, or letting it all blow up on one go.  The latter happens more often, always to adverse consequences.  Today, my mom dragged (okay, "dragged" seems harsher than needed, "brought" then) me to Digital Mall to get my laptop's RAM increased from 4 GB to 8 GB.

When we were there, she mentioned that she'll let me "do the talking" and see how I "approach and inquire on things".  So I asked questions nervously, but getting to the point eventually.  And then she butted in.  Okay, I'll admit.  My brain's foggy as I just took a nap before heading out to Digital Mall, and that my stress levels were pretty high since finals was next week.  But if there's one thing my mom and I equally hate, is that we really dislike being interrupted.  And she was hinting to me that I'm forgetting something, but upon asking, doesn't tell me what.  So in the swirl of my inner confusion and irritation, I snapped.  The rest of our trip just went to shit.  Utter, non-verbal, despairing shit.

I hate getting mad, moreover at my parents.  And I need a better way to manage my stress levels.  This time round was more of bad luck and wrong timing, I assure you.  I'm going to apologize to her later and vent some anger out so that I can study.  That's all for now.

Black Sheep - The Metric

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