Unemployment has been bearing its fangs. Days blend together and everything just meshed into one thing. Overdue lesson notes below.
26th September (physical church gathering)
Bible Class Topic: Definition of a fool
1) Defined in Psalms 14:1, Proverbs 1:7, Proverbs 28:26
- Does not have God in their heart
- Does not fear God
- Despises the wisdom of God and His instructions
2) Wrong worldview
- Heart (not knowledge) isn't centered (inclined to left or right)
- A fool doesn't believe in the existence of God
- Wrong worldview leads to destruction (digging a pit while standing in it)
3) Actions reveal their nature
- Denies God and commits sin
- Inconsistent in their beliefs
Verse: Ecclesiastes 10
V1-3 Foolishness can result in poor reputation. Reputation can be easily ruined, compared to putrefied stench
-Cases of foolishness, Moses sticking the rock, David on Bethsheeba
V5-7 a fool is evil, and seeks to attain power (ref to quote that power corrupts entirely)
V10 a fool is unprepared.
V12-14 a fool is talkative. Empty vessels make the most noise.
V15- a fool is incompetent, wasting time
V16-17 over-indulgent
V17-18 indifferent, uses money to solve everything, indifference to sin
V20 indiscretion, talking without thinking (gossip)