Monday 23 September 2013


Had the privilege of attending a Welcome Picnic organized by the Thai Student Association, as part of being a liaison between them and ISC.  They're super friendly people and their President, Randy, is a great guy.  Warm, friendly and funny, I can see how his exuberance makes him so likable, and a befitting President to their organization.

Can't talk much as I need to sleep soon, but FIFA 14 is just two days away from its release date.  I can't wait to get my hands on them!!  EXCITED!

Also, I've recently had my bouts of emotional "fit" (can't quite coin the term).  On one hand, I need to prove to myself that I'm deserving of a wonderful girl.  But at the back of my head, I wish that you would just barge in to my apartment right now, and prove me dead wrong.  I want to be refuted, not for the attention, but because we share an emotional bond, and that probably won't go away for a while.

I need to get this emo-ness in the "distractions" department.  Well, shit.

I Don't Know What To Do - Pete Yorn and Scarlett Johansson

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