Sunday 25 September 2016


It's the night before game day and I can't sleep. Maybe it's the pre-game jitters again.

Or maybe, it's because I've a good day and was left with thought-provoking questions. Sabrina had proposed for us to write a book about the four of us weirdos: Joey (her boyfriend) , Nicole (her childhood friend), herself and I.

That actually sounds interesting.

Earlier today, Sabrina and I had attended Art for Grabs at Jaya One. And I got to meet the sweetest kid, who was one of the artist there. He touched my heart, and he's only 9 years old. Definitely made my day.

Disclaimer : I've tried to post the picture of me and the kid, Brandon, but my phone won't let me. Until I get on my laptop...

*edit* Finally did it.

posted from Bloggeroid

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