Tuesday 27 August 2013


Life's been crazy.  Prospective, but darn bat-guano crazy.

Kelly has settled in quite well, which is great.  Her housemates are close to graduation, so she's well taken care of.   She's a really cool person, come to think of it.  Well then again she and her sister, Gaby, are very much alike.  I do apologize.  My brain's multitasking three different fronts while typing this, so it can be spastic talks.

It's been close to three weeks since I've moved in to my new apartment in Tripp Street.  Although rather new, here are some pics of the place in its early phase.

Living room, with my humongous bean bag

A partially-filled kitchen

My still-messy bedroom

Reverse side of my study desk


The best part about my room was that I only spent money on my bed:  the dresser, study desk and chair were all free!  Sure, I allocated more funding to the TV and beanbag, but I feel that it is a fair trade-off.  Cooking has been rather fun, too, especially when you have proper cooking utensils to work with. 

Destination Iowa State was a mixed review.  I had the good/bad fortune of having a group of seven Freshman girls (yes they were mostly eye candy, but that's besides the point).  I was a little bummed to be picked for the Towers though, as we get sorted based on housing assignments; I really wanted to join the Transfer students group.  As my team members were all of the opposite sex, it was tough to relate with them, let alone strike a proper conversation.  Unsurprisingly, I was left with no team members showing up for the rest of orientation.

Now, that sucked a lot!  I've texted them, reminded them in-person, and even called them, but to no response from most of them.  It was saddening, as I felt like I wasn't doing my duties as a Team Leader.  So, I joined another group under the Towers and helped them out instead.  Things got better from there, as I had a proper group who I could teach, and learn from as well.  DIS ended with a hypnotist show by Michael C. Anthony, and it was phenomenal.  I ran out of tears to weep from all the laughter!

Classes had just started today, and I am terrified!  One on hand, I'm taking the hardest course in ISU (in the form of Organic Chemistry 2), and my hundreds-strong Genetics class has a lecturer who wants you to learn by creating your own notes, with him acting as a reviewer instead.  Now, that's daunting.

And no Fang Hao-esque story is complete without his emotional needs.  Well, I've been back to the whole idea of "is she, isn't she".  It's been almost eight months now, and I felt like I've pondered around too long without having a sniff of success, as she doesn't see me as something more.  But then I witnessed the luster of what had encapsulated me from the start, and I fell for her again.  I guess I find her extremely attractive, but I need to let the notion go, since she doesn't feel the same.  Bright side?  I'm still only 20, right?

Vienna - Billy Joel

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