Monday 3 January 2011


Well to some, it's the first day of school for the year 2011, which also happens to be the best time to mock my siblings.  No more tight-fitting school pants for me!!  Muahaha.

On the other hand, today's the day where HELP A-Levels students start.  Damn, I miss them already.  And I'm starting next Monday.  Noooo!  It's too soon!!

Sat for my undang-undang exam today.  Nearly failed with a borderline 42/50.  Damn I feel stupid.  And now, the entire examination centre's participants know my name.  Here's the thing, I was sitting at the very back of the hall and the Malays surrounding me were damn noisy.  So the desk girl, with the incredibly soft chipmunk voice, got so angry she actually asked my institution's driver to shout out my name.  My mind was on autopilot at that moment so when I heard my name, I instantly went "Woo hoo!!", raising my hand.

There was a short, silent pause.  And the hall was bursting with laughter the next moment.  I just went with the flow and laughed with them.  Well it's over, at least.

And my sister just got her school magazine.  I was elated to see 2 out of my 3 submitted essays in the language section.  English, of course.  One of my impromptu poems also made it, along with the much coveted poem dedicated to my grandpa.  This is for you, Ah Kong.  Hope you can see it!

Aiyo...  Heang's leaving for NZ on the 6th and Beng's leaving on the 22nd...  I'm soooo gonna miss them.  Crap.  Don't jiwang now....

Winter Wonderland - Jason Mraz

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