Wednesday 26 December 2012

Merry Christmas!

Hey ho!  First of all, Merry Christmas to all!!

It has finally snowed!  Yay for that.  I even have a scab on my knee to show it.  Here are some pics of what we did when it first snowed.

First signs of snow, at Adli's place

Helping Kennard brush off all the snow accumulated on his car

Yen Fei and Cassie, with Kennard's new dog, Lucky

Me, being me

Even my dorm (well, included in the pic is the neighboring dorm) looks nice for a change

But honestly, it has been an uneventful week, staying at Cassie's place, apart from the Winter Solstice celebration we had.

 Tang Yuen, it's a traditional desert to commemorate the Winter Solstice.
Basically starch balls with pandan syrup.

Plus, goofing around in the snow, of course. We borrowed the snowman to take some pics.  Tried making our own as well, but the snow was too fluffy to ball up.  As for the un-eventfulness, we've been having the same good things over and over, it does get somewhat repetitive.

Except for the time when I exited Freddy without barefooted in shorts.  It was to open the door for Patrick, Jon and Kennard plus Lucky.  Then, Patrick grabbed me and pull me out into the snow.  Then, he wrestled me onto the ground and it was freezing (hint, -17 C)!  What's worse was that Cassie also exited the building and had left her key in the dorm, and the door would only open with a key card.  Yen Fei was the only one in Cassie's place but she didn't pick up her phone.  I had to call in my friend to get the door open and it was some 5 minutes before we entered the building.  By that time I had lost all sensation in my fingers and legs.  That, was crazy!!

I've been so preoccupied with movies, cooking and LAN parties (Left4Dead 2, Team Fortress 2, and Borderlands 2) that I didn't update this blog much.  But yeah...  Christmas is here, I feel bad for not getting presents for my friends.

That's it for now I guess.  Merry Christmas!  And to all (in Malaysia), goodnight.

Follow - Crystal Fighters

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