Thursday 28 April 2011


Epinephrine... Hate it, hate it, hate it.  Some annoying, uncontrollable weapon the warrior's most ungodly tool it is.

Just to justify how safe my house is, there aren't any flies or pests whatsoever that enter the house as it is properly sealed and cleaned.  Maybe one cockroach in 6 months, and that's if there's some food around.  Mosquitoes, maybe two this year.  Yes, it is THAT clean.  And I'm proud to say it.  *slaps ego*


I was dead tired yesterday morning and I had to wake up at 6.15 a.m. to catch the Sunway shuttle bus.  I did the routine get up, switch on the lights, turn off the fan, and drop some toilet bombs.  Just when I sat there, I heard some scratching noise coming from my plastic bathroom door.  I though it was a lizard, no biggie.

How wrong was I.

Out came this fully grown cockroach from below the lower door bracket.  I was going all !*#%$!#@$ on it.  And it was about to enter my room.

I jumped out from the toilet seat, put on my pants (you don't want those crawling on your jujubes *cringe*) and crouched, poised to strike.  Upon seeing that bugger, adrenaline just shot into my veins.  I thought: "Crap... There's goes my sleep...".  Then the roach started moving towards the nearing possible hiding spot: my bags.

I reacted quicker and literally threw my bags aside.  I intended to catch it (it didn't occur to me that was gonna be tough).  And I saw my empty potato chips containers on the table.  That could've been the reason the roach is here.  So I tried to coax the roach into the makeshift cylindrical prison.  But that was just stupid.

The pest then ran through my other bags, which I also threw aside, until it hid at the corner of the room.  I couldn't reach it as the foot of the table was blocking the way.  So I forced it out from it's hiding spot, only for it to hide under my sleeping bag.  BLOODY HELL!!  My room is a damn playground, I thought.

Again, I got it out from beneath the sleeping bag and it dashed across the room to the other corner, where my guitars are.  I got so fed up by then I just resorted to killing it.  I drew it out in the open again and hammered it with my chips container.  I took my six hits to land one.  It was finally stunned and I finished it off.  Upon looking at it's motionless body, I slumped to the floor.  God dang it, that was tough.  Then I bagged it up and sprayed copious amounts of disinfectant at it's last scene.  I looked at my phone's clock.  That took me 15 minutes.

I reached the house late and skipped breakfast.  I managed to board the bus still, thankfully.  However, due to the adrenaline still flowing through my body, I didn't have a chance to sleep at all.  By the time I reached college, the adrenaline finally wore off and I was returned to my buzz-crashed, lethargic self.  I bought a cup of ice Milo from the vending machine for breakfast.

I took 5 steps, only for the paper cup to soften due to the ice and it slipped through my fingers, leaving a splatter in the middle of the cafeteria.  Oh wait, that was my scientific reasoning behind it.  What my friend saw, goes like this: I was very tired that I lost concentration and the cup just slipped through my butterfingers.

Okay, that seemed more believable.  So I went to buy another cup, this time a hot cup of Milo.  The heat from the drinks managed to inflict some pain on my fingers to keep me awake, so it managed to reach sanctuary.

That was the last of the string of unfortunate events that day.  Oh, and Chemistry as well...  But I don't wanna go there.  All I ask for is a B.

Okay, gotta go revise on my Biology now.  Today's the last day of my finals.  After that, the whole month of May for my sem break.  I'm definitely looking forward to that!

3 Rounds And a Sound - Blind Pilot

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