Monday 23 May 2011


If I'm not mistaken, C2AGE stands for Comics, Cosplay, Anime, Gaming and Entertainment.  Basically, it's a Comic Con toned down to the Asian level.  This year it was held at Tropicana City Mall.

Lots of my friends wanted me to join them in this event.  After witnessing the full force of my college's Anime Club, I am hellbent on distancing myself from anything Otaku, besides reading Manga.  So I tried to cough up lots of excuses just not to go.  Me and a few friends were suppose to group up after the event to catch a movie, since some of them are going for the event, held at 11 in the morning.

Due to some miscommunication between Roger and, I thought that the event had already ended at 10 and started walking there.  Only halfway through my journey did Roger explain that the event had JUST STARTED.  I tried my best to kill time walking there, but the sun was shining down it's heavenly grace on me so I was getting slow-cooked.  So I reached the place right when it was about to start.

I grabbed a cup of coffee from Starbucks first as I rushed out of my house on an empty stomach upon getting Roger's text.  He soon joined me and we chatted for a while.  I was shocked to know that he was shocked to know that I have a blog.  He reveals to me that he thinks the idea of guys blogging is weird and that the sole purpose of most bloggers are to vent their disgust towards people they dislike, thus he doesn't receive the news of me being a blogger all that warmly.  Then he asks me what was my purpose behind blogging.  I longed for that question *Cue evil music accompanied by maniacal laughter*.

And as we sat there on the small table in Starbucks, I told him my story.  Well, I've mentioned the purpose before so I'll skip the mushy mushy parts.  The main story is still on the event.  But that look on his face where he took those words back about guy bloggers, was utterly priceless.  To rain on my brief parade, C2AGE just started.

My ears had to bear with the pitchy, often chipmunk-inspired Cosplayers belting out their all-time favorite songs while resisting the urge to gouge out my eyeballs due to excessive horror.  I swear I would break if not for my noise-blocking earphones and the Borders nearby.

So essentially, what I've learned that day is:-

A problem: A toilet full of people.
A bigger problem: A toilet full of Cosplayers.

Baby I'm Yours - Breakbot ft. IRFANE

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