Saturday 15 September 2012


Here I am supposedly trying to compile a resume for my International Student Council application, and blogging instead.  My bowel's getting grumpy too, which is never welcomed.

I browsed through some of my old posts and realized, that I've been having a large drama in terms of my personal life for freaking four years.  God knows what I was thinking.  But for the umpteenth time, I've finally moved on.  I guess I just couldn't bring myself to believe the reality of the situation until the words came out of her own lips.  Well, now I can focus on other stuff, once I get over the sad, sobbed part.  But yeah, time to turn over a new leaf!

My roommate is also moving out as my dorm is in the process of being switched to a freshman-only dorm.  Best part is that the year's room and board cost is all the same for us as we've paid for it already.  So he's moving to a suite in Buchanan and paying the same cost as I am.  Lucky dude.  Maybe I'll be lucky as well...    Fingers crossed.

Will be heading to Adli's place later for dinner with friends, and some FIFA 12 on his new Xbox 360.  Oh, my Achilles' Heel for soccer...

Okay I should rectify this disturbing bowel, and get back to work.

Break The Same - Mutemath

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