Wednesday 11 June 2014


In a fraction of a second, the brain registers the first impressions and thoughts of whatever information it receives.  See, whatever comes after the initial impression is full of emotional ties in place of pragmatism.  In that opening jiffy, my "first impressions" gave me a further glimpse into my emotion-less, exclusively logic side.

With no censorship in effect, I thought:

Religion convinces people they're free, but in a shroud of shackles.  

Now, if you found that statement offensive, then I would advise you to stop reading.  If you want to make your blood boil by a college student's provocative thought process, then by all means, stay for some entertainment.  What I talk about is more towards agnosticism, and not atheism.  To put it out there bluntly, I respect people's right for a religions belief and do not wish to patronize them; this writing is about me, and solely my thoughts on religion.

I'm a Buddhist, but Buddhism is not as much as a religion as it is a way of life.  In it's teachings, it explicitly mentions that if you were to find a better reason of belief, then by all means adopt it instead.  That's what I am, and I've been this way for a good 5 years or so, and I'm not drowning in a pool of disarray or insecurity.

What I am, is a deviant.  Not all deviants bring injustice, it's just a different culture to the main practice.  Having tattoos is a deviant, that doesn't mean that it deserves harsher treatment from society.  It is what it is, as deviants do not equal crime.

In my opinion, religion is imposed to keep people in check, so that they know what NOT to do.  Religion is good at that, I'll have to admit.  However, religion can also act as a stencil, shaping a person to another's desire (I know that's mostly untrue, but I'm speaking on behalf of how religion is spread in my third-world, corrupt, country).  Now, religion in Malaysia is very different, and to some degree, a deviant to its own cause.  Messages spread in Malaysia, is not the same as how it is in The States.  Now, I'm not saying that America is all-knowing (or the best) in religion, but their teachings, the way the message is conveyed is more understanding and receptive of others.

But the point of all of this, is that religion gives you a set of boundaries.  You may not know this, but it will be more apparent once you take a step back.  Now, I am in no way suggesting that you go off and do bad things (again, deviants are not a crime).  What I'm trying to say, is that sometimes religion can be a limiter.  Religion holds you back, it makes you play it safe.  The problem is, you will not know your full potential unless you break yourself.

So go test your limits, take some risks, and ultimately don't be afraid to make mistakes (NOTE:  You are NOT intentionally supposed to make mistakes).  You are your worse enemy, and religion can oftentimes reinforce that "limiter" in you.  

All in all, religion is not a bad thing.  But it might not be the best thing, either.  So if this write-up makes no sense whatsoever (which I don't blame you, I am not my usual writing-self), please drop a comment on the chatbox.  I would love to have a discussion.

Burning Bridges - One Republic

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