Saturday 26 February 2011

New resolve

I had a successful blood donation yesterday.  Let's see... anything memorable??  The doc gave me some morphine for painkiller although I didn't receive any last year and still made it through with no pain.  Oh, and Mr. Gan Shao Qin kept torturing me by clamping my arm with vice-like grip, causing my blood pressure to rise.  Not to mention he took my blood donation booklet hostage for some 2-3 hours as I lay there motionless, waiting for my blood to clot the wound.  Butt hole...

But enough of that.  Today's "No Apologies" talk was immensely long.  I won't say it's boring, quite the opposite really.  But it was very lengthy and that made me restless towards the end.  And I have a jamming session next Friday.  We're doing 21 Guns by Green Day, unplugged.  Yeah man.  Time to anti-amp up.

And after that it was already 6.30 in the evening.  Dinner followed up and I revisited SMKDU for the Scouts' Malam Kebudayaan(Culture Night).  It was such a sad thing to see the number of fresh talent dwindling even more as the headmistress had set "standards" for new students to enter the school.  So reception hitted an all time low.  But, Scouts being Scouts, we soldiered on.  And MK, although wasn't much on the culture, perhaps more contemporary now, it was still entertaining.  I got to meet up with my batch and I realised, damn I miss them a hell lot.  I definitely need to find a way to get back into Scouts as a Scoutmaster.  It's not just a need, it's for the pride of a Scout.  And I mean I don't just need it, I live for it.

Finally Got It Right - Crystal Bowersox

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