Wednesday 16 December 2015


They want the best for you, they give you shit if you don't perform as expected.

Can I blame them?  For now.  Until I learn to become a parent myself.

Why, do you ask of this out-of-nowhere rant?  Because me meeting the undercarriage of the proverbial bus came out of the blue as well, a la parental nagging.

Age is but a number, but FUCK!  I don't feel like a 22-year old.  Perhaps my notion of moving out from my parents once I return is a figment of US culture that I've carried back with me, and many kids still live with their parents in an Eastern culture as it is financially beneficial.

Or it's because I don't like getting ordered around.  I still am not.  I probably won't be for a while.

Yes, I can't get compensation for my flight.  But HOW THE FUCK am I to know what can or cannot be done by the fucking airline, or whoever runs the damn show?  

You blame me for sitting idly by while this happens (because they need time to process the claim themselves) and I am only doing to my capacity and understanding.  Why the hell must informative and constructive criticism come with "I told you so's" and implied "proactiveness"?

All these thoughts, and I haven't uttered a single word throughout our entire "conversation".

Good talk.  Absolutely fucking brilliant piece of insight.

Fuck the song suggestion.  There isn't any for this.

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