Thursday 14 October 2010


The only reason why I'm posting this is for the sole intention of trying to note this (un)eventful ordeal down for as long as this blog exist.

We were enjoying our brand new ice cream that we bought earlier while watching Austin Steven's Adventures on Animal Planet. Who? He's a professional photographer and snake expert (what do you call that, paleontologist?) who travels around the world snapping photos on all different kinds of animals.

This one scene, they were showing him having to be face to face with a Gaboon Viper. He did the usual stuff, extract venom, snap photos and then released the viper.

This was the interesting part. He was on the verge of releasing the head of the snake but warned the crew that it could strike back. My sister was sitting right behind me when that happened. Guess what? The snake striked, with the typical "doom anthem" being played.

My sister, being the sad girl with her slow-mo reflex but killer-quick reactions, she actually THREW the porcelain cup filled with chocolate fudge heaven in her hands to the marbel floor. To no one's surprise, the cup broke into pieces. Not just that, now there's a chip in the marble floor! Damn idiot. I liked that cup.

Sidewinder - Avenged Sevenfold

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