Wednesday 21 October 2015


Finally took Jordan's advice to watch Donnie Darko (I watched the Director's Cut).  And my verdict?  My head was spinning at the end (probably because I couldn't wrap my mind around the conclusion).  But that's a good thing.  The movie took its time to incorporate so many elements into the plot, interweaving it with the surroundings of Donnie Darko, the main character.

Plus, it was different from what I was used to watching, where the director would include subtle hints or clues into the various sets of the shoot; Donnie Darko was unique in the sense that you feel the dread.  Or at least, I did.  Believe you me, I had to Google up an analysis of the show to fully understand the ending, but that's always a good thing, to have that "oh, right!" moment.  That's what constitutes a good show, in my opinion.

So yeah.  Go watch it.  I'll write another segment of how that movie made me feel.  Also, I'm considering being a part-time freelance writer.  But after a quick snapshot of the job positions out there, it seems that most of the employers are looking for travel journalist, like those you would read to visit a region.  Now, I've never properly traveled around Malaysia myself (something I'm aiming to rectify) so I can't write on those things with accuracy.  Furthermore, I don't think "highly opinionated football analyst-cum-short story writer" is in most job descriptions.  And let's be honest: this blog is in no shape or form, presentable, let alone to be shown to potential employers as a "hire me" piece.  

But who am I to sell myself short (I'm not, mind you)?  Ideally, there would be a job for me to look into writing critiques for movies, or for football analysis.  I wouldn't mind that one bit.

The Wanderer - Dion & The Belmonts

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